Site Index and Search
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To quickly find links to desired subjects, select the first letter of the topic below:
Select any of the following links:
B |
Background Information - Press Release |
Ballet |
Banks |
Boat trips |
British Computer Society |
British Council |
Bursaries |
Buses |
D |
Dance |
Data Protection- medinfo2001 policy |
Department of Health |
Department of Trade and Industry - DTI |
Dining |
Dinner - Gala |
Discos |
DTI - Department of Trade and Industry |
E |
Eating |
EC - European Commission |
Editorial Committee |
EFMI -European Federation of Medical Informatics |
Electricity - supply |
Emergency - health |
Enquiries - Congress |
European Commission - EC |
European Federation of Medical Informatics - EFMI |
Events - London |
Events - non medinfo2001 |
Events - Social |
ExCeL Congress Centre |
Exhibition |
F |
Facts for Visitors |
Films |
Flights |
Foreign Office |
Frequently asked questions - FAQs |
G |
Galleries -art |
Global Village |
Government - Home page |
H |
Hackney cabs - taxis |
Health - Department of |
Health - emergency |
Health Informatics Committee of the BCS |
Help - Congress |
Help - travel, tourism, booking theatres, concerts etc |
Hospitals - official visiting programme |
Hotels |
I |
IMAX - films |
IMIA - International Medical Informatics Association |
Information Authority-NHSIA |
International Medical Informatics Association - IMIA |
Internet - access |
Introduction Services |
Introductory Brochure |
J |
K |
M |
Maps |
Maritime Museum - Welcome Reception |
Markets |
Master Classes |
medinfo2001 - about |
Metro - underground |
Money |
Museums |
Music |
N |
National Health Service Information Authority |
News |
News Releases |
Night-clubs |
O |
Official Gala Dinner |
Organisation - medinfo2001 |
Organisations - links - about |
Organisations - supporting medinfo2001 |
Organising Committee - (Local) |
P |
Papers - call for |
Partners - Accompanying Persons |
Patrons |
People - medinfo2001 |
Postage |
Posters - Call for |
Posters - programme |
Power - electricity |
*Preliminary Programme (**) |
Press |
Press Releases and Background Information |
*Programme - preliminary (**) |
Programme - scientific |
Programme - Social |
Promote medinfo2001 |
Promotional material |
Pubs |
Q |
Questions - frequently asked |
Questions - General Enquiries |
R |
Reception - Welcome |
Registration Form (downloadable) |
Registration On-line |
Registration of Interest |
Rental - cars |
Restaurants |
Rough Guides |
U |
Underground - London |
V |
VAT - (Valued Added Tax) |
Venue, Congress |
Visas |
Visitors - Facts For |
Visits - official programme |
W |
Weather |
Welcome - Reception |
What's New |
What's On |
When - medinfo2001 |
Where - medinfo2001 |
Who's Who - medinfo2001 |
Workshops |
X |
Y |
Yellow Pages |
Z |
Zoo - London |
Register Now |
Last checked on 9th February 20001 |
Contact Web Master at: |