

A limited number of bursaries are to be awarded to assist overseas delegates to attend medinfo2001. Due to  over subscription, no further applications can be accepted.


The objective of the bursaries is to stimulate the sharing of knowledge amongst the participants at medinfo2001 and to facilitate the dissemination of information about world-wide health informatics activities through a wider community.

They will be restricted to participants from developing countries and countries in transition. Applicants must submit a short bid (maximum two A4 pages, not less than 12 point) describing why they wish to attend, what their current role is and how they would make use of information and contacts made on return to their home base. The awards are not made explicitly to facilitate the presentation of papers, posters or demonstrations. An international scientific Bursary sub-committee will decide to whom the awards will be made, and no further discussion will be entered into thereafter. Post-graduate students in health or informatics disciplines may apply and their submissions should be accompanied by a letter of accreditation form a senior member of the Faculty.

Applicants should fulfil the following conditions


Bursaries will cover:

Bursaries will not cover:


Whilst an allowance subvention can be issued in advance of the Congress, all receipts must be submitted for financial management purposes. After the event, a copy of any publication resulting from information gained by attendance at medinfo2001 should be sent to the Chair of the Bursary sub-committee for information.


Advice can be taken from about travel and accommodation and on all other matters from Glyn Hayes .

All applications, which should be in electronic form, are to be sent to Glyn Hayes .

Register Now


Last checked on 28th February 2001  

Contact Web Master at: medinfo2001.org